I'm a full-stack web developer. I build apps, teams, and processes that scale gracefully.
I'm interested in early-stage projects aiming for big impacts.
Ruby, Elm, HTML/haml, CSS/SCSS, JavaScript/ES6/CoffeeScript, SQL, Mongo, SVG, Python, Haskell, R
Rails, React, Webpack, Node, RSpec, Minitest, Cucumber, Jasmine, elm-test, Chai, JQuery, Angulars, Backbone, Bootstrap
Git & github, vim, tmux, pair programming, Agile, Pivotal Tracker, ProductBoard, AWS, Heroku, Circle CI, Segment, HubSpot, Docker, Periscope Data, HubSpot & Stripe Dev Tools/APIs
Figma, Zeplin, Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Engineering & Development - Developed features for and maintained large-scale web applications in various languages and frameworks using Agile processes, behavior- and test-driven development, and pair and individual programming
Experiments & Data - Led the technical implementation and guided the design of marketing and product experiments pertaining to growth, engagement, and user experience
Leadership & People - Worked to improve organizational performance as a team leader, a project management mentor, and a leading participant in culture & employee policy overhaul
Assist Executive Director in building and maintaining an online literary magazine with a custom static site generator. Currently leading a full site redesign
Jointly ran a monthly meetup of new and experienced elm users including talks, tutorials, and casual coworking
Helped small groups of undergraduate women compete in weekend-long hackathons with technical, design, and project management guidance
B.A. in Chemistry and Women’s and Gender Studies, 2012
Exchange Study Program, 2010
Classes in French, Biostatistics, 2011, 2012, 2014
Intensive Course in Web Development, 2014